
Innovation Heights Academy
11427 3rd Avenue South Seattle, WA 98168

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Innovation Heights Academy
11427 3rd Avenue South Seattle, WA 98168

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Community Garden

To apply for a plot, please fill out the community garden application and return it to Innovation Heights Academy.

Innovation Heights Community Garden P-Patch Rules

These rules are designed to help the community garden run smoothly for all. We appreciate the cooperation and community spirit that makes this a successful program. The rules below pertain to the P-Patch garden area in particular. Please also review and follow the general garden rules posted onsite at the Innovation Heights Community Garden entrances. Gardeners who break p-patch and/or garden rules run the risk of losing their garden plot, which, after a warning, may be re-assigned without a refund.

Please reach out to the garden board at if you have any questions about garden policies or are having challenges with your garden commitments!


  • Garden applicants must be 18 years or older.
  • All gardeners must provide 10 hours of service annually to the community garden common areas. (Work done in one’s own plot or in plot pathways does not count towards these hours.)
    • Gardeners will be invited to regular garden Work Parties and an ongoing task list for garden tasks will be posted in the garden shed to help gardeners to meet their 10 hours.
    • It’s the plot holder’s responsibility to complete and record their volunteer hours in community garden areas. We do not accept other forms of payment in lieu of those hours unless garden board members grant exception based on hardship.
  • Gardeners are allowed one plot per person per season (season is March 1 – last day of February).
  • Applicants can be added to the waitlist for an additional plot which will be determined once the annual plot audit is completed in February. Returning gardeners have first priority to renew a garden plot. Returning applicants need to complete the garden application and return payment no later than the last day of February.
  • All gardeners must attend the annual orientation held at the garden at the beginning of new season.
  • The P-Patch program is managed by the Innovation Heights Community Garden Board. A board member will contact the gardener group from time to time with volunteer opportunities in the garden, work party dates, info and/or requests.
  • Please plan ahead when visiting the garden. There is NO restroom or garbage service!


  • Gardeners are responsible for all care of their plots, including tilling, cultivating, weeding, watering, end of season clean up. Paths directly adjacent one’s own plot must be kept weeded.
  • Plants on the state’s noxious weed list are not allowed in plots.
  • Paths around plots MUST be keep clear. No tools, pots, tomato cages, etc. can be kept in paths.
  • Gardeners must keep plots and surrounding pathways relatively weed free. Gardeners should not let plants go to seed at the end of the growing season and they should keep the borders of their plots tidy.
  • All plots are rented through the last day of February. By the last day of November, gardeners must 'winterize' their plots by removing un-needed materials from their plots including: pots, wire tomato cages, stakes, trellises, weeds, and dead plants. They must either cover any unplanted potions of their plots to suppress weeds or plant winter cover crops. If gardeners fail to adequately clean out their plots, they will lose their plot space for the following year.
  • No wildflowers, trees or shrubs allowed in plots.
  • Structures (trellises, growing cages, etc.) within plots can’t exceed 6 feet. Trellises and other structures within height guidelines should take care not to shade/block other plots.
  • Building fences around plots/constructing other permanent plot barriers is prohibited.
  • There is no smoking of any kind allowed in any of the garden areas.
  • Dogs or other pets are not allowed. The only exceptions are service animals that are trained to preform specific tasks. Every bed in the garden contains some kind of FOOD.
  • Motorized vehicles and equipment, with the exception of small tillers (with expressed permission of the Garden Board), are not allowed in the gardens.
  • Community Gardens are to be used for recreational gardening of vegetables and flowers for personal and immediate family use only.
    • No cannabis cultivation allowed and
    • Growing vegetables and flowers for commercial purposes is prohibited.
  • Taking individual action in common areas of the p-patch or other community Garden areas without working/communicating with garden management staff first to approve your plan is prohibited.
  • The Innovation Heights Community Garden is an ORGANIC gardening program. Use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers made from synthetic materials is prohibited.
  • Discard plant materials in the designated compost areas. Do not pile weeds, debris or rocks in the pathways.
  • Clean and properly store all shared garden tools that are used during your time on site. Lock the tool storage shed at all times that it isn’t being supervised.
  • Gardeners will have access to water spigot handles, hoses, and some tools in the tool cargo shed. They will get the code to the storage shed and access to water handles at orientation.
    • Gardeners must be present at their plots while watering and hang up hoses when done.
    • Drip irrigation, soaker hoses and other irrigation may not be left on unattended.
    • Please conserve water as much as possible and minimize use of overhead sprinklers.
    • Treat hoses carefully and report leaks to the garden board immediately.
  • All garbage, unused plant containers, and debris must be removed from the garden.
  • Children in the garden must be kept under close supervision at all times.
  • Amplified music is not allowed in the garden, unless with permission of the garden board.
  • Use of common area fruit trees and berries will be determined by the garden board.
  • If you witness or experience garden theft or vandalism, please notify police by calling non- emergency at 206-296-3311 to file a report. Please also notify the garden board at DO NOT LEAVE YOUR TOOLS OR SUPPLIES IN THE GARDEN!

Community Garden Plot Map